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General Information
Good Places to Start
To get redirected to the respective website click on their logo.
OMama is a website maintained by the Government of Ontario with information on a variety of topics.
Mount Sinai Parenting centre is a website where you will how to core for your new baby. For videos click here.
Best Start is an Ontario website with information for parents starting before pregnancy to caring for young children​.
HealthLink BC is a website where you will find lots of information about health across the lifespan.
Mother To Baby is a website where you can find out about the safety of medicines and other substances during pregnancy.
Windsor Regional Hospital is the local hospital in Windsor where you chose to deliver your baby.
Erie Shores Hospital is the local hospital in Leamington where you chose to deliver your baby.
The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit provides public health services to the residents and businesses of Windsor and Essex County in Ontario, Canada.
The Association of Ontario Midwives is dedicated to advancing the clinical and professional practice of Indigenous/Aboriginal and registered midwives in Ontario.
The Society’s mission is to promote excellence in the practice of obstetrics and gynaecology and to advance the health of women through leadership, advocacy, collaboration, and education.
The Canadian Paediatric Society mission is to advocate for the health and well-being of all Canadian children and youth and to educate child and youth health professionals across the country.
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